Categories Area Rug Cleaning, Rug Fringe Cleaning

What is The Best Area Rug Fringe Cleaning Process in Fort Lauderdale Area?

Oriental Rug Cleaning

Area Rug Fringe Cleaning Service

For Handwoven Rugs, the fringe is more numerous than just a “design.” It is a vital element of the area rug and demands a proper guarantee that the rug stays intact. Fringe is the foundation on which the rug is designed and, if damaged, can cause unjust harm to the rug, including conceding it to unravel. While fringe must show signs of normal wear and tear due to foot traffic, it is essential to discuss any issues as soon as feasible to keep the rug looking its best and maintaining its value. In addition, fringe quickly pulls dust and debris, making the rug look bad; it can also cause an unhealthy situation.